Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Files needed for The RIGHT Button:
Place in your \WINDOWS directory
Place in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory
VBRUN300.DLL is NOT included with the Shareware version. It is available
on most local bulletin board systems, as well as commercial services. On
CompuServe, it is located in the MSBASIC forum in library 1 as VBRUN3.EXE.
The VBRUN300.DLL file is included with your registration of The RIGHT
We have a number of features that will be included in the next release, so
please include any suggestions or enhancements you may have.
For support, contact Matt Hart at:
CompuServe 75450,3705
Internet 75450.3705@compuserve.com
Matt E. Hart
2516 W. Kingsport
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Mike and I hope you really like and use The RIGHT Button. I've been a user
ever since Mike first began writing it and did much of the early beta work.
I wouldn't run Windows without it.
RButton ver 1.3
Enhancements to ver 1.1
Shell support
RButton can now be used as the system shell without Program Manager
(Progman) running. First, run RButton normally from Progman. Then,
select Configure. Progman groups and applications can still be accessed
although Progman isn't running by selecting Update Progman Groups.
The information from Progman will then be saved in the RBUTTON.INI
file. Select Use As A Shell, and RButton will (optionally) update your
SYSTEM.INI file and restart Windows.
When using RButton as the shell, closing RButton will attempt to close
all applications. Unsaved information will be lost or you will have the
option to update or cancel the close - basically, it works the same as
when using Progman.
*** Please note that RButton uses the file VBRUN300.DLL. Other applications
which you may want to install may try to overwrite this file - which it
will be unable to do while RButton is active. I've provided a special
switch to Progman to accomplish this.
*** Press Alt-F3 rather than Alt-F4 to close RButton. This will run Progman
and close RButton without shutting down Windows. Windows will then exit
normally to DOS when all applications have been closed.
Update Progman Groups
RButton previously queried Progman to create the Groups and Applications
list boxes each time you clicked the Program Manager button. A new option
under Configure allows you to only link to Progman once to get the groups
and applications. This allows for somewhat faster access. It necessary
if you still want to access the groups and applications when using RButton
as the system shell. The data will be saved in the RBUTTON.INI file.
Free Resource Information - REGISTERED VERSION ONLY
A new program is included with the registered version - Free Resources - in
the file FREERESO.EXE. This small (about 9K) file will be installed in
your Windows directory along with RButton, but will not be active. Rather
than add free resource processing to RButton itself, I decided to create a
small program that you can add as an icon. It will save some information
in your RBUTTON.INI file. FreeReso will show the mode Windows is running in,
either Standard or Enhanced, the free GDI resources (graphical objects),
free USER resources (windows, dialog boxes, buttons, etc...), free
SYSTEM resources (basically everything else), and free global memory, which
may include virtual memory. Any of the resource numbers can be displayed
while FreeReso is running as an icon, with a user definable update
Enhancements to ver 1.2
Startup Group
Added option to run all Program Manager startup group programs when RButton
is used as a shell.
The RIGHT Button can now be registered on CompuServe via GO SWREG, id# 2251.
Comments, bug reports, and suggestions for updates can be reported to:
Matt Hart
2516 W. Kingsport
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
or on CompuServe at address 75450,3705.
Most of these updates were added by users who registered and gave me their suggestions.
The RIGHT Button Registration Form
Mail to:
Matt E. Hart
2516 W. Kingsport
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Name _______________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________
Type of Computer ___________________________________________________
Software Used ______________________________________________________
Disk Preference [ ] 5.25" [ ] 3.5"
Number of disks ________
Cost per disk 25.00
Source code [ ] 200.00
Amount Enclosed ________
Suggestions, Comments ______________________________________________